  1. 计算机系统基础知识

  2. 操作系统基础知识

  3. 程序设计语言基础知识

  4. 数据结构与算法

  5. 软件工程基础知识

  6. 数据库基础知识

  7. 标准化和知识产权

  8. C语言程序设计

  9. C++程序设计

  10. Java程序设计

  11. 计算机专业英语

  12. 1695个常用计算机技术基本词汇

    1. abbreviate
    2. abbreviation
    3. ablity
    4. able
    5. abort
    6. about
    7. above
    8. aboveboard
    9. absence
    10. accelerator
    11. accept
    12. access
    13. accessible
    14. accidentally
    15. accommodate
    16. according to
    17. accuracy
    18. achieve
    19. acknowledgment
    20. across
    21. action
    22. activate
    23. active
    24. activity
    25. actual
    26. adapter
    27. add
    28. addtion
    29. additional
    30. additionally
    31. additive
    32. address
    33. addressing
    34. adequate
    35. adjust
    36. administrasastor
    37. advance
    38. advanced
    39. advice
    40. affect
    41. affected
    42. after
    43. again
    44. against
    45. agree
    46. aid
    47. alias
    48. align
    49. aligned
    50. alignment
    51. all
    52. allocate
    53. allow
    54. allowable
    55. allowed
    56. ally
    57. along
    58. alpha
    59. alphabet
    60. alphabetical
    61. alphabetically
    62. already
    63. also
    64. alter
    65. alternate
    66. alternately
    67. although
    68. always
    69. American
    70. among
    71. amount
    72. ampersand
    73. analyst
    74. angle
    75. announce
    76. another
    77. ansi
    78. answer
    79. anticipate
    80. anytime
    81. anywhere
    82. appear
    83. append
    84. appendix
    85. apple
    86. applicable
    87. application
    88. applied
    89. apply
    90. appropriate
    91. appropriately
    92. architecture
    93. archive
    94. area
    95. argument
    96. arithmetic
    97. around
    98. array
    99. arrow
    100. ascending
    101. ASCII
    102. ask
    103. assemble
    104. assembler
    105. assembly
    106. assign
    107. assigned
    108. assignment
    109. assist
    110. assistance
    111. associate
    112. associated
    113. association
    114. assortment
    115. assumed
    116. asterisk
    117. asynchronous
    118. attached
    119. attempt
    120. attention
    121. attribute
    122. augment
    123. author
    124. auto
    125. autoindex
    126. automatic
    127. automatically
    128. avail
    129. available
    130. average
    131. avoid
    132. aware
    133. away
    134. back
    135. background
    136. backspace
    137. backup
    138. backward
    139. bad
    140. bar
    141. base
    142. basic
    143. basis
    144. batch
    145. become
    146. becoming
    147. beep
    148. before
    149. begin
    150. beginning
    151. bell
    152. below
    153. between
    154. beyond
    155. big
    156. binary
    157. bios
    158. bit
    159. black
    160. blank
    161. blast
    162. blinking
    163. block
    164. blue
    165. board
    166. book
    167. boot
    168. border
    169. both
    170. bottom
    171. boundary
    172. box
    173. bracket
    174. bracketed
    175. branch
    176. break
    177. bring
    178. british
    179. brown
    180. browse
    181. buffer
    182. build
    183. building
    184. bus
    185. busy
    186. but
    187. button
    188. buy
    189. by
    190. bypass
    191. byte
    192. cache
    193. cad
    194. calculation
    195. call
    196. calling
    197. cancel
    198. capability
    199. capitalized
    200. capture
    201. card
    202. care
    203. caret
    204. carousel
    205. carriage
    206. carry
    207. case
    208. cash
    209. cause
    210. caution
    211. center
    212. central
    213. century
    214. certain
    215. centainty
    216. change
    217. chapter
    218. character
    219. charge
    220. charm
    221. chart
    222. check
    223. choice
    224. choose
    225. chunk
    226. circle
    227. cirumstance
    228. city
    229. calssify
    230. clause
    231. clean
    232. clear
    233. click
    234. client
    235. clipper
    236. clock
    237. clockwise
    238. close
    239. closed
    240. closely
    241. code
    242. collapse
    243. collection
    244. colon
    245. color
    246. column
    247. combination
    248. combine
    249. combo
    250. come
    251. comma
    252. command
    253. comment
    254. comercial
    255. common
    256. communication
    257. compact
    258. company
    259. compare
    260. comparison
    261. compatibility
    262. compatible
    263. compile
    264. compiler
    265. complete
    266. completely
    267. complex
    268. complexity
    269. complicated
    270. compose
    271. compress
    272. compression
    273. comprise
    274. computer
    275. concatenate
    276. concept
    277. condition
    278. conditional
    279. confidential
    280. configuration
    281. configure
    282. confirm
    283. confirmation
    284. conflict
    285. conform
    286. confuse
    287. congrtulation
    288. conjunction
    289. connect
    290. connection
    291. connectivity
    292. consecutive
    293. consiquently
    294. consider
    295. considaration
    296. considered
    297. consist
    298. consistent
    299. console
    300. constant
    301. constantly
    302. consult
    303. consume
    304. contact
    305. contain
    306. content
    307. context
    308. contiguous
    309. continue
    310. continuously
    311. contrast
    312. control
    313. controlled
    314. controller
    315. convenience
    316. convenient
    317. convention
    318. conventional
    319. convert
    320. converted
    321. coprocessor
    322. copy
    323. copyright
    324. cord
    325. corner
    326. correct
    327. correction
    328. correctly
    329. correspond
    330. corrupt
    331. cost
    332. count
    333. counter
    334. course
    335. cover
    336. CPU
    337. craze
    338. create
    339. creation
    340. criterion
    341. critical
    342. crop
    343. cross
    344. current
    345. currently
    346. cursor
    347. custom
    348. customer
    349. customize
    350. cut
    351. cycle
    352. daily
    353. damage
    354. data
    355. database
    356. date
    357. day
    358. deactivate
    359. deal
    360. dearly
    361. death
    362. debug
    363. debugger
    364. decide
    365. decimal
    366. decision
    367. declaration
    368. declare
    369. declared
    370. decrease
    371. default
    372. defective
    373. definable
    374. define
    375. definition
    376. degrade
    377. delay
    378. delete
    379. deletion
    380. delimit
    381. delimiter
    382. demonstrate
    383. demonstration
    384. denote
    385. density
    386. department
    387. depend
    388. dependent
    389. depth
    390. derelict
    391. descend
    392. descibe
    393. described
    394. description
    395. design
    396. designate
    397. designeted
    398. desirable
    399. desire
    400. desk
    401. desktop
    402. destination
    403. destroy
    404. detail
    405. detect
    406. deter
    407. determine
    408. determined
    409. develop
    410. developer
    411. development
    412. device
    413. diacritical
    414. diagonally
    415. dialog
    416. differ
    417. difference
    418. diffrent
    419. differentiate
    420. diffcult
    421. diffcultly
    422. digit
    423. digital
    424. dimension
    425. dimensional
    426. direct
    427. direction
    428. directly
    429. directory
    430. disable
    431. disabled
    432. disappear
    433. discard
    434. disconnect
    435. discuss
    436. discussion
    437. disk
    438. diskette
    439. display
    440. disregard
    441. distinction
    442. distinguish
    443. distribut
    444. distribution
    445. divide
    446. division
    447. do
    448. document
    449. documentaion
    450. door
    451. DOS
    452. dot
    453. double
    454. down
    455. drag
    456. drive
    457. driver
    458. dual
    459. due
    460. dump
    461. dumlicate
    462. during
    463. dynamic
    464. each
    465. early
    466. easel
    467. easily
    468. easy
    469. echo
    470. edge
    471. edit
    472. editor
    473. effect
    474. effective
    475. efficiently
    476. effort
    477. either
    478. eject
    479. elapsed
    480. element
    481. eliminate
    482. ellipsis
    483. else
    484. emphaisize
    485. employ
    486. employee
    487. empty
    488. emulate
    489. emulation
    490. emulator
    491. enable
    492. enclose
    493. encounter
    494. end
    495. endeavor
    496. ending
    497. enhance
    498. enjoy
    499. enough
    500. ensemble
    501. enter
    502. entire
    503. entirely
    504. entry
    505. environ
    506. environment
    507. environmental
    508. equal
    509. equally
    510. equation
    511. equipment
    512. equivalent
    513. erase
    514. error
    515. escape
    516. esoteric
    517. especially
    518. essentially
    519. evaluate
    520. even
    521. eventually
    522. ever
    523. every
    524. exact
    525. exactly
    526. examine
    527. example
    528. execeed
    529. execeeded
    530. except
    531. exception
    532. exclamation
    533. exclude
    534. exclusive
    535. executable
    536. execute
    537. execution
    538. exhaust
    539. exist
    540. exit
    541. expand
    542. expanding
    543. expansion
    544. expect
    545. experience
    546. experiment
    547. experimentation
    548. expire
    549. explain
    550. explanation
    551. explanatory
    552. explicitly
    553. exponent
    554. exponential
    555. express
    556. expression
    557. expunge
    558. extend
    559. extension
    560. external
    561. extra
    562. extract
    563. extremely
    564. face
    565. facility
    566. fact
    567. factory
    568. fail
    569. failure
    570. fall
    571. false
    572. familiar
    573. familiarize
    574. fancy
    575. far
    576. fast
    577. fastback
    578. father
    579. feature
    580. feed
    581. field
    582. fifth
    583. figure
    584. file
    585. filename
    586. filling
    587. fill
    588. filter
    589. final
    590. finally
    591. finacial
    592. find
    593. fine
    594. finish
    595. finished
    596. finisher
    597. first
    598. fit
    599. fix
    600. fixed
    601. flag
    602. floating
    603. floppy
    604. flush
    605. fly
    606. follow
    607. following
    608. font
    609. force
    610. forced
    611. foreground
    612. forget
    613. form
    614. format
    615. formation
    616. formatted
    617. formatting
    618. formed
    619. forth
    620. forward
    621. found
    622. fourscore
    623. fragment
    624. free
    625. freeze
    626. frequently
    627. from
    628. front
    629. full
    630. fully
    631. function
    632. fundamental
    633. future
    634. gain
    635. gap
    636. gather
    637. general
    638. generate
    639. generation
    640. get
    641. give
    642. glance
    643. glass
    644. global
    645. go
    646. grant
    647. graphic
    648. graphically
    649. greater than
    650. greatly
    651. green
    652. grey
    653. group
    654. growing
    655. guard
    656. guide
    657. habit
    658. half
    659. halfway
    660. hand
    661. handle
    662. handler
    663. handing
    664. hang
    665. happen
    666. happening
    667. hard
    668. hardly
    669. hardware
    670. header
    671. heading
    672. heap
    673. height
    674. hello
    675. help
    676. helpful
    677. hercules
    678. here
    679. hex
    680. hexadecimal
    681. hidden
    682. hide
    683. hierarchical
    684. high
    685. higher
    686. highest
    687. highlight
    688. history
    689. hit
    690. hold
    691. holding
    692. home
    693. horizontal
    694. horizontally
    695. host
    696. hot
    697. how
    698. however
    699. huge
    700. hundred
    701. hyphen
    702. icon
    703. idea
    704. identical
    705. identically
    706. identify
    707. if
    708. ignore
    709. image
    710. immediately
    711. implement
    712. implicit
    713. importance
    714. important
    715. include
    716. inclusive
    717. incompatible
    718. incorrect
    719. increase
    720. increment
    721. indefinitely
    722. indent
    723. indentation
    724. independent
    725. independently
    726. index
    727. indexing
    728. indicate
    729. indicator
    730. indirectly
    731. individual
    732. individually
    733. industry
    734. inexperienced
    735. infinite
    736. information
    737. inhibit
    738. initial
    739. initialize
    740. initially
    741. initiate
    742. input
    743. insert
    744. insertion
    745. inside
    746. install
    747. installation
    748. instance
    749. instant
    750. instead
    751. instruct
    752. instruction
    753. insufficient
    754. insure
    755. integer
    756. integrate
    757. intend
    758. intense
    759. intensity
    760. interactive
    761. interest
    762. interface
    763. interfere
    764. internal
    765. internally
    766. interpret
    767. interpretability
    768. interpretable
    769. interpreter
    770. interrupt
    771. interval
    772. interene
    773. into
    774. introduce
    775. introduction
    776. invalid
    777. invent
    778. inverse
    779. invoke
    780. involve
    781. involved
    782. issue
    783. item
    784. iterative
    785. job
    786. join
    787. jump
    788. just
    789. keep
    790. kernel
    791. key
    792. keyborad
    793. keyed
    794. keypad
    795. keyword
    796. kilobyte
    797. kind
    798. know
    799. lable
    800. labled
    801. landler
    802. language
    803. large
    804. last
    805. later
    806. latter
    807. layer
    808. layout
    809. leading
    810. learn
    811. learning
    812. least
    813. leave
    814. left
    815. legal
    816. lending
    817. length
    818. less
    819. lesson
    820. let
    821. letter
    822. level
    823. lexical
    824. library
    825. light
    826. lightning
    827. like
    828. limit
    829. limitations
    830. limited
    831. limiter
    832. limiting
    833. line
    834. link
    835. linker
    836. list
    837. listing
    838. literal
    839. little
    840. load
    841. loaded
    842. loading
    843. local
    844. locate
    845. locating
    846. location
    847. lock
    848. locking
    849. log
    850. logarithm
    851. logged
    852. logic
    853. logical
    854. long
    855. look
    856. loop
    857. lose
    858. loss
    859. lot
    860. low
    861. lower
    862. lowercase
    863. lowest
    864. mach
    865. machine
    866. macro
    867. macros
    868. magenta
    869. magic
    870. main
    871. mainframe
    872. maintain
    873. major
    874. make
    875. making
    876. manage
    877. management
    878. manager
    879. manifest
    880. manipulating
    881. manner
    882. manual
    883. manually
    884. manufacture
    885. many
    886. map
    887. margin
    888. mark
    889. marked
    890. marker
    891. market
    892. marking
    893. masking
    894. master
    895. match
    896. matching
    897. math
    898. matter
    899. maximum
    900. mean
    901. meaning
    902. means
    903. medium
    904. meet
    905. mega
    906. memo
    907. memery
    908. mention
    909. menu
    910. message
    911. meter
    912. method
    913. micro
    914. middle
    915. midnight
    916. mind
    917. minimum
    918. minus
    919. mirror
    920. mismatch
    921. mistake
    922. mixed
    923. mixture
    924. mod
    925. mode
    926. model
    927. modification
    928. modified
    929. modifier
    930. modify
    931. module
    932. moment
    933. monitor
    934. mono
    935. monochrome
    936. month
    937. moreover
    938. motif
    939. mountain
    940. mouse
    941. move
    942. movement
    943. moive
    944. moving
    945. much
    946. multi
    947. mutiple
    948. multiprocessing
    949. murder
    950. name
    951. national
    952. natural
    953. nature
    954. navigate
    955. navigation
    956. near
    957. nearly
    958. necessarily
    959. necessary
    960. need
    961. negate
    962. negtive
    963. neither
    964. nest
    965. network
    966. never
    967. newly
    968. next
    969. nicety
    970. noninteractive
    971. nor
    972. normal
    973. normally
    974. note
    975. noted
    976. nothing
    977. now
    978. null
    979. number
    980. numeral
    981. numeric
    982. numerical
    983. numerous
    984. object
    985. observe
    986. obsolete
    987. obtain
    988. occasionally
    989. occupy
    990. occur
    991. occurrence
    992. odometer
    993. off
    994. offer
    995. office
    996. often
    997. OK
    998. omit
    999. on
    1000. once
    1001. ones
    1002. on-line
    1003. only
    1004. onto
    1005. open
    1006. opened
    1007. opening
    1008. operate
    1009. operating
    1010. operation
    1011. operator
    1012. opinion
    1013. opposite
    1014. optimize
    1015. option
    1016. optional
    1017. order
    1018. organization
    1019. organize
    1020. oriented
    1021. original
    1022. originally
    1023. other
    1024. otherwise
    1025. out
    1026. outcome
    1027. output
    1028. over
    1029. overall
    1030. overflow
    1031. overlay
    1032. override
    1033. overstrike
    1034. overview
    1035. overwrite
    1036. own
    1037. pacific
    1038. pack
    1039. package
    1040. page
    1041. pair
    1042. paper
    1043. paragraph
    1044. parallel
    1045. parameter
    1046. parent
    1047. parenthesis
    1048. parse
    1049. part
    1050. particular
    1051. particularly
    1052. partition
    1053. pass
    1054. password
    1055. past
    1056. paste
    1057. path
    1058. pattern
    1059. pause
    1060. pay
    1061. payment
    1062. penalty
    1063. pending
    1064. people
    1065. per
    1066. perform
    1067. performance
    1068. period
    1069. permanent
    1070. permanently
    1071. permit
    1072. personal
    1073. pertain
    1074. phoenix
    1075. phone
    1076. photograph
    1077. phrase
    1078. physical
    1079. physically
    1080. picture
    1081. piece
    1082. pipe
    1083. place
    1084. placement
    1085. plain
    1086. platform
    1087. play
    1088. please
    1089. plus
    1090. point
    1091. pointer
    1092. pool
    1093. pop
    1094. port
    1095. portion
    1096. position
    1097. positioning
    1098. positive
    1099. possibility
    1100. possible
    1101. possibly
    1102. potenially
    1103. power
    1104. powerful
    1105. practice
    1106. precede
    1107. precedence
    1108. preceding
    1109. predict
    1110. prefer
    1111. prefix
    1112. prepare
    1113. presence
    1114. present
    1115. preserve
    1116. preset
    1117. press
    1118. pressed
    1119. pressing
    1120. prevent
    1121. preview
    1122. previous
    1123. previously
    1124. price
    1125. primaryily
    1126. primary
    1127. print
    1128. printable
    1129. printer
    1130. printout
    1131. prior
    1132. private
    1133. probable
    1134. probably
    1135. problem
    1136. procedural
    1137. procedure
    1138. process
    1139. processing
    1140. processor
    1141. produce
    1142. product
    1143. profile
    1144. program
    1145. programmable
    1146. programmer
    1147. programming
    1148. progress
    1149. project
    1150. prompt
    1151. proper
    1152. properly
    1153. property
    1154. proprietary
    1155. protect
    1156. protection
    1157. protocol
    1158. provide
    1159. pseudo
    1160. public
    1161. publisher
    1162. purchase
    1163. purge
    1164. purpose
    1165. push
    1166. put
    1167. qualified
    1168. quality
    1169. question
    1170. queue
    1171. quick
    1172. quickly
    1173. quiet
    1174. quickly
    1175. quit
    1176. quotation
    1177. quote
    1178. RAM
    1179. random
    1180. range
    1181. rate
    1182. rated
    1183. rather
    1184. rating
    1185. reach
    1186. reactivate
    1187. read
    1188. readable
    1189. readily
    1190. reading
    1191. ready
    1192. real
    1193. really
    1194. reapperars
    1195. rearrange
    1196. reason
    1197. rebuild
    1198. recall
    1199. receive
    1200. received
    1201. recent
    1202. recently
    1203. recognize
    1204. recommend
    1205. record
    1206. recover
    1207. recoverable
    1208. rectangle
    1209. rectangular
    1210. recursive
    1211. red
    1212. redifine
    1213. redirect
    1214. redraw
    1215. reduce
    1216. reduction
    1217. redundant
    1218. reenter
    1219. refer
    1220. reference
    1221. reflect
    1222. reflow
    1223. reformat
    1224. refresh
    1225. regard
    1226. regardless
    1227. register
    1228. registration
    1229. regular
    1230. reindex
    1231. reinstate
    1232. related
    1233. relation
    1234. relative
    1235. release
    1236. reload
    1237. remain
    1238. remainder
    1239. remark
    1240. remember
    1241. remove
    1242. rename
    1243. rent
    1244. reorder
    1245. reorganization
    1246. repaint
    1247. repeat
    1248. repeated
    1249. repeatedly
    1250. repeating
    1251. repetitive
    1252. replace
    1253. replaceable
    1254. replacement
    1255. replicate
    1256. report
    1257. represent
    1258. representation
    1259. representative
    1260. request
    1261. require
    1262. requireed
    1263. reread
    1264. reserve
    1265. reserved
    1266. reset
    1267. reside
    1268. resident
    1269. resolution
    1270. resolve
    1271. respect
    1272. respectively
    1273. respond
    1274. rest
    1275. restart
    1276. restore
    1277. restrict
    1278. restricted
    1279. restricting
    1280. restriction
    1281. restructure
    1282. result
    1283. resulting
    1284. resume
    1285. retain
    1286. retrieve
    1287. retry
    1288. return
    1289. returned
    1290. reverse
    1291. review
    1292. revolutionize
    1293. rewrite
    1294. right
    1295. ring
    1296. roll
    1297. room
    1298. root
    1299. round
    1300. route
    1301. routine
    1302. row
    1303. rule
    1304. run
    1305. runing
    1306. runtime
    1307. safe
    1308. safely
    1309. safety
    1310. salary
    1311. sale
    1312. same
    1313. sample
    1314. save
    1315. saving
    1316. say
    1317. scan
    1318. scantter
    1319. scanttered
    1320. scheme
    1321. scope
    1322. screen
    1323. scroll
    1324. seamless
    1325. search
    1326. searching
    1327. second
    1328. secondary
    1329. section
    1330. sector
    1331. security
    1332. see
    1333. seek
    1334. segment
    1335. seldom
    1336. select
    1337. selected
    1338. selection
    1339. semicolon
    1340. send
    1341. sensitive
    1342. sensitivity
    1343. sentence
    1344. separate
    1345. separated
    1346. separately
    1347. separator
    1348. squence
    1349. seqentially
    1350. serial
    1351. series
    1352. service
    1353. session
    1354. set
    1355. setting
    1356. setup
    1357. seven
    1358. several
    1359. share
    1360. sheet
    1361. shell
    1362. shield
    1363. shift
    1364. ship
    1365. short
    1366. shortcut
    1367. should
    1368. show
    1369. showing
    1370. shut
    1371. side
    1372. sign
    1373. signal
    1374. significant
    1375. similar
    1376. simple
    1377. simply
    1378. since
    1379. single
    1380. sit
    1381. situation
    1382. six
    1383. size
    1384. skelecton
    1385. skill
    1386. skip
    1387. slash
    1388. slide
    1389. slow
    1390. slowly
    1391. small
    1392. smooth
    1393. snapshot
    1394. so
    1395. social
    1396. socket
    1397. soft
    1398. software
    1399. solely
    1400. solution
    1401. somewhat
    1402. sort
    1403. sound
    1404. sounding
    1405. source
    1406. space
    1407. special
    1408. specialize
    1409. specific
    1410. specifically
    1411. specification
    1412. spexify
    1413. speech
    1414. speed
    1415. spell
    1416. spill
    1417. split
    1418. splitting
    1419. spread
    1420. square
    1421. squeeze
    1422. stack
    1423. stamp
    1424. stand
    1425. standard
    1426. star
    1427. start
    1428. starting
    1429. startup
    1430. state
    1431. stated
    1432. statement
    1433. static
    1434. stationary
    1435. status
    1436. stay
    1437. step
    1438. still
    1439. stop
    1440. stopping
    1441. storage
    1442. store
    1443. stream
    1444. strike
    1445. string
    1446. strong
    1447. strcutural
    1448. structture
    1449. stuff
    1450. sub-directory
    1451. subgroup
    1452. subject
    1453. subroutine
    1454. subscript
    1455. subsequent
    1456. subsequently
    1457. subset
    1458. substantial
    1459. substantially
    1460. subtitute
    1461. substitution
    1462. subtotal
    1463. successful
    1464. succession
    1465. successive
    1466. such
    1467. sufficient
    1468. suggest
    1469. suggestion
    1470. suitable
    1471. sum
    1472. summary
    1473. sun
    1474. suprimpose
    1475. supply
    1476. support
    1477. suppose
    1478. supposed
    1479. suppressed
    1480. sure
    1481. surrounding
    1482. suspend
    1483. suspension
    1484. swap
    1485. switch
    1486. switching
    1487. symbol
    1488. synchronization
    1489. synchronize
    1490. syntax
    1491. system
    1492. tab
    1493. table
    1494. tag
    1495. take
    1496. talnet
    1497. talk
    1498. tape
    1499. task
    1500. teach
    1501. team
    1502. technical
    1503. technology
    1504. telephone
    1505. tell
    1506. template
    1507. temporarily
    1508. temporary
    1509. tension
    1510. term
    1511. terminal
    1512. terminate
    1513. terminating
    1514. terminology
    1515. test
    1516. text
    1517. then
    1518. thereafter
    1519. therefore
    1520. think
    1521. third
    1522. though
    1523. thousand
    1524. three
    1525. through
    1526. throughout
    1527. tick
    1528. time
    1529. times
    1530. tiny
    1531. title
    1532. today
    1533. together
    1534. toggle
    1535. tone
    1536. tool
    1537. top
    1538. topic
    1539. tornado
    1540. total
    1541. touch
    1542. toward
    1543. trace
    1544. track
    1545. traditional
    1546. traling
    1547. transaction
    1548. transfer
    1549. transform
    1550. translate
    1551. translation
    1552. transportable
    1553. trap
    1554. traverse
    1555. treat
    1556. tree
    1557. trigger
    1558. trim
    1559. trouble
    1560. true
    1561. truncate
    1562. try
    1563. trying
    1564. turn
    1565. turning
    1566. turnkey
    1567. tutorial
    1568. twentiech
    1569. twice
    1570. two
    1571. type
    1572. typewriter
    1573. typical
    1574. unable
    1575. unavailable
    1576. unchanged
    1577. undefined
    1578. under
    1579. underline
    1580. underlying
    1581. underscore
    1582. understand
    1583. understanding
    1584. undersiable
    1585. undo
    1586. undone
    1587. unformatted
    1588. unfortunately
    1589. unique
    1590. university
    1591. unknown
    1592. unless
    1593. unlike
    1594. unlock
    1595. unmarked
    1596. unneccessary
    1597. unpack
    1598. unrecognied
    1599. unsafe
    1600. unshift
    1601. unsigned
    1602. unsuccessful
    1603. until
    1604. unused
    1605. unwanted
    1606. up
    1607. update
    1608. updated
    1609. ungrade
    1610. upon
    1611. upper
    1612. unpperace
    1613. usage
    1614. use
    1615. useful
    1616. useless
    1617. user
    1618. usually
    1619. untitity
    1620. valid
    1621. valuable
    1622. value
    1623. variable
    1624. variant
    1625. variety
    1626. various
    1627. vary
    1628. varying
    1629. verify
    1630. version
    1631. vertical
    1632. vertically
    1633. very
    1634. via
    1635. vice
    1636. video
    1637. view
    1638. violate
    1639. virtual
    1640. virtually
    1641. visible
    1642. visual
    1643. vital
    1644. volume
    1645. vowel
    1646. wait
    1647. waiting
    1648. want
    1649. ware
    1650. warn
    1651. warning
    1652. warranty
    1653. watch
    1654. way
    1655. week
    1656. welcome
    1657. well
    1658. whatever
    1659. whenever
    1660. whereas
    1661. whether
    1662. which
    1663. whichever
    1664. while
    1665. white
    1666. whole
    1667. whose
    1668. why
    1669. wide
    1670. widely
    1671. width
    1672. wildcard
    1673. window
    1674. windowing
    1675. wise
    1676. wish
    1677. with
    1678. within
    1679. without
    1680. word
    1681. wordperfect
    1682. work
    1683. worker
    1684. working
    1685. world
    1686. worry
    1687. wrap
    1688. write
    1689. wrong
    1690. year
    1691. yellow
    1692. yet
    1693. zap
    1694. zero
    1695. zoom
  13. 计算机应用基础知识